Type of Protection :Simple CD Check [Q.exe] At 4AC7FC in the Games exe, the Prog. Calls a Routine thats Check the CD in your Drive.If the Return Falue in AL=1 (al = LowByte from EAX) than you have the Wrong or No CD in your Drive.I have Change at Offset 000AC803 the "JNE 004AC838" to "Jmp 004AC838" * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Please insert game CD" | :004AC7C9 BF6CE95000 mov edi, 0050E96C :004AC7CE 83C9FF or ecx, FFFFFFFF :004AC7D1 33C0 xor eax, eax :004AC7D3 F2 repnz :004AC7D4 AE scasb :004AC7D5 F7D1 not ecx :004AC7D7 2BF9 sub edi, ecx :004AC7D9 8954240C mov dword ptr [esp+0C], edx :004AC7DD 8BC1 mov eax, ecx :004AC7DF 8BF7 mov esi, edi :004AC7E1 8BFA mov edi, edx :004AC7E3 C1E902 shr ecx, 02 :004AC7E6 F3 repz :004AC7E7 A5 movsd :004AC7E8 8BC8 mov ecx, eax :004AC7EA 83E103 and ecx, 00000003 :004AC7ED F3 repz :004AC7EE A4 movsb :004AC7EF 8D4C240C lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0C] :004AC7F3 51 push ecx :004AC7F4 E8273F0100 call 004C0720 :004AC7F9 83C408 add esp, 00000008 :004AC7FC E84F000000 call 004AC850 <- CD Check :004AC801 84C0 test al, al :004AC803 7533 jne 004AC838 <- If al = 0 then Jump [GodBoy]